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SS Dustbins

एसएस डस्टबिन्स

उत्पाद विवरण:


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उत्पाद वर्णन

What aredustbins for?Dustbins, also called trash cans or garbage bins, are containers for wastematerials. They help keep our surroundings clean and free of litter.

What arethe different types of dustbins? There are many types of dustbins, including:

Standardbins: Thesecome in various sizes and materials like plastic, steel, or wood, with orwithout lids.

Recyclingbins: Theseare designated for specific recyclable materials like paper, plastic, or glass.

Compostbins: Used tocollect organic waste that decomposes to create compost.

Sensor-activatedbins: Theseopen automatically when you wave your hand in front of them.

Compartmentbins: Havemultiple sections for sorting waste while throwing it away.

Whatshould I consider when choosing a dustbin? Consider factors like size, material, lidfunctionality, durability, and aesthetics to find the best bin for your needs.


What dothe different colored dustbins mean? Colors can vary by location, but commonly:

       Green: Often for general waste that isn't recycled.

        Blue: Frequently used for paper or mixed recyclables.

         Yellow: May be for plastic recycling.

Where canI find out what goes in which bin? Local waste collection services usually provideinformation about what waste goes in which bin. You might find it on theirwebsite or on a sticker on your bin.


Features           Description

Type               Storage Bucket

Shape              Round

Structure         Open Top, Standing

Feature            Sustainable, Stocked

keyword          Trash Garbage, Dustbins Plain Dustbin

Finishing         Powder Coating

Installation      Floor Standing

Advantage      Rustproof, Healthy Eco-friendly Recycling

Use                 Trash Bin, Waste Bin, Recycle Bin

Capacity          8 litres

Colour             Silver

OpeningMechanism   Open-Top

Usage              Household,Offices, Hotels, Restaurant, Hospitals, Commercial areas

Material           Stainless Steel


Q: What is a dustbin? A: A dustbin, alsoknown as a trash can, garbage bin, or waste receptacle, is a container used forthe temporary storage and disposal of waste materials.

Q: What are the different types ofdustbins? A: Dustbins come in various types and sizes, including:

Pedal bins: Thesehave a foot pedal for hands-free opening, commonly used in kitchens andbathrooms.

Swing bins: Thesehave a hinged lid that swings open when pushed, often seen in offices andpublic spaces.

Sensor bins:Equipped with motion sensors that open the lid automatically when motion isdetected, promoting hygiene and convenience.

Recycling bins:Designed with multiple compartments for sorting different types of recyclablematerials.

Wheelie bins: Largebins with wheels and a lid, typically used for curbside waste collection.

Q: What materials are dustbins made of? A: Dustbins can bemade from various materials, including:

Plastic:Lightweight, affordable, and available in a wide range of colors and designs.

Metal: Materialslike stainless steel or galvanized steel offer durability and resistance tocorrosion.

Wood: Wooden binsprovide a more aesthetic option but may require more maintenance.

Compositematerials: Some dustbins are made from a combination of materials for enhanceddurability or aesthetics.

Q: How do I choose the right dustbinsize? A: The size of the dustbin depends on factors such as the amount ofwaste generated, the space available for placement, and the frequency of wastecollection. Consider your household or establishment's waste volume todetermine the appropriate size.

Q: How should I maintain and clean mydustbin? A: Regularly empty the dustbin to prevent overflow and unpleasantodors. Clean the dustbin periodically with mild soap and water, and disinfectif necessary. Ensure thorough drying to prevent mold and mildew growth. Somematerials may require specific cleaning instructions to maintain theircondition.


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