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Stainless Steel Linen Trolley

Stainless Steel Linen Trolley

उत्पाद विवरण:


मूल्य और मात्रा

  • 1

उत्पाद की विशेषताएं

  • golden/ blue
  • L910 x W560 x 880mm
  • किलोग्राम (kg)

व्यापार सूचना

  • प्रति दिन
  • दिन

उत्पाद वर्णन

A linentrolley is a specialized cart used to transport linens and textiles in varioussettings, most commonly in hospitals and hotels.

Linentrolleys are designed to efficiently manage the flow of clean and soiledlinens. They typically have multiple shelves, compartments, or hanging bars toorganize different types of linens, such as bed sheets, towels, gowns, andblankets. They are constructed with materials that are easy to clean andsanitize, ensuring strict hygiene standards are met, especially in healthcaresettings.

Here aresome of the common features of a linen trolley:

  • Mobility: Linen trolleys are equipped with wheels for easy manoeuvrability around the facility.
  • Durability: They are built to withstand the rigors of daily use in busy environments.
  • Organization: They have shelves, compartments, or hanging bars to keep linens organized and prevent them from becoming wrinkled or soiled.
  • Hygiene: Linen trolleys are made from materials that are easy to clean and disinfect, such as stainless steel or plastic.
  • Capacity: They come in a variety of sizes to accommodate different needs.



Attribute                    Details

Brand Name              Eston Amenities

Product Name          Stainless Steel Linen Trolley

Material                      StainlessSteel 201

Linen Color                Yellow

Tube  Thickness        0.5mm

Wheels Diameter      4inches

Tube Shape                Round

Wheels 4pcs

Dimensions                L910 x W560 x 880mm

Load Capacity            100 Kg






Q:What is a linen trolley?

A: A linen trolley is a mobile cart or trolley used primarily inhospitality, healthcare, and other industries to transport and store linens,such as towels, bedding, or uniforms.

Q: What are the typical features of alinen trolley?

 A: Linen trolleys usually have shelves orcompartments for organizing different types of linens. They often includewheels for easy mobility and handles for pushing or pulling.

Q: How is a linen trolley used inhospitality?

 A: In hotels and resorts, linen trolleys areused by housekeeping staff to collect dirty linens from guest rooms and deliverfresh linens. They may also be used for storing linens in linen closets orhousekeeping storage areas.

Q: What about in healthcare settings?

A: In hospitals andhealthcare facilities, linen trolleys are used to transport clean linens topatient rooms and collect soiled linens for laundering. They help ensure ahygienic and efficient linen management system.

Q: Are there different types of linentrolleys available?

A: Yes, there arevarious types of linen trolleys designed for specific purposes. Some may havefeatures like removable shelves, locking mechanisms, or antimicrobial coatings.Others may be specialized for use in particular environments, such as sterileareas in hospitals.

Q: How should I maintain a linentrolley?

A: Regular cleaningand inspection are essential for maintaining a linen trolley. Wipe downsurfaces regularly to prevent the buildup of dirt and grime. Check wheels andhandles for any signs of wear and tear, and lubricate moving parts as needed.

Q: Where can I purchase a linentrolley?

A: Linen trolleysare available from various suppliers, including hospitality supply companies,healthcare equipment providers, and online retailers. Be sure to consider yourspecific needs and requirements when choosing a linen trolley.


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